2011 day on the hill (187 of 298)

Day on the Hill

JRLC's Day on the Hill is our annual policy briefing and lobby day. Participants are briefed on the JRLC issues that are being debated and voted on at our State Capitol. Clergy and lay people from across the state attend Day on the Hill to show our interfaith commitment to social justice and to participate in the lawmaking process. The event includes prayer, issue briefings, time to meet with your district and opportunities to take action.

2021 Day on the Hill, Make Justice Your Aim, was a virtual program held on Thursday, March 11 and included keynote speaker Pastor Paul Slack of Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota and a panel on COVID-19 Homeless Outreach, Housing and Health. 

Check out the excellent speakers, panel, the JRLC legislative overview and advocacy tips below.

2021 JRLC Day on the Hill video