Our Core Values
Human Dignity
We value the human dignity of each person and insist upon laws and policies that protect the vulnerable and powerless.
We work passionately to bring about a community of right relationship; where each person contributes to and benefits from the common good.
Democratic Participation
We value the contributions of citizens who govern our state so that, together, we protect human dignity and build up the common good.
Spirituality of Dialogue
We value the many ways we listen and learn from each other and draw upon the wisdom of diverse faith traditions.
Prophetic Leadership
We understand the indispensable role of religious communities to speak out effectively when our institutions or policies drift away from justice.
We value JRLC's ability to base its work on facts and evidence, careful research, and a willingness to listen to a variety of voices, and creativity of our proposals.
We value JRLC members combining passion with moral values and acting boldly for the sake of justice in the public arena.
Leadership Development
We value the leadership role of JRLC's members and their ability to work in congregations and other settings to strengthen our voice for social justice.