8:00AM- Registration Opens and Breakfast Served
8:30AM- Welcome
8:45AM- Panel Discussion “Working Together in Divisive Times.”
- Rev. Paul Slack, Vice President of Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Justice at Lutheran Social Services
- Rabbi Adam Spilker, Senior Rabbi at Mount Zion Temple
- Imam Matthew Ramadan, Imam, Masjid An’Nur
- Rev. Doug Mitchell, Associate Pastor Emeritus, Westminster Presbyterian Church
- Rev. Fr. Erich Rutten, St Thomas the Apostle Church
9:30AM- Faith Leaders Network Introduction
9:45AM- Advocacy Basics
- Kevin Matzek, Contract Lobbyist, Lockridge Grindal Nauen.
10:20AM- Break
10:30AM- Issue Briefing
10:50AM- Walk over to Capitol Mall
11:00AM- Side-by-Side Prayer.
- At church or on Upper Capitol Mall depending on weather.
11:15AM- Find Your Legislator.
- Members will be directed to where to find their legislators based on the legislative calendar for the day.
Christ on Capitol Hill Lutheran Church
105 University Ave W
Saint Paul, MN